Dinosaur Embryo Discovered Inside 72-Million-Year-Old Egg

The discovery of a remarkably preserved dinosaur embryo curled up inside its egg, nicknamed "Baby Yingliang," is a significant paleontological find that provides valuable insights into the developmental stages of dinosaurs and their nesting behaviors.

The embryo, believed to belong to an oviraptorosaur, a toothless theropod dinosaur, was found in the Ganzhou region of southern China, encased within a 17-centimeter-long egg that dates back to the late Cretaceous period, approximately 72 to 66 million years ago.

The exceptional preservation of Baby Yingliang, with its curled-up posture, visible bones, and even remnants of eggshell membranes, offers a rare glimpse into the embryonic development of dinosaurs.


This remarkable find sheds light on the nesting behaviors of oviraptorosaurs, indicating that they cared for their eggs in nests, much like modern birds.

The embryo's position within the egg, tucked in a curled-up posture reminiscent of modern bird embryos, suggests that oviraptorosaurs may have exhibited similar developmental processes.

This remarkable discovery highlights the ongoing efforts of paleontologists to uncover the secrets of the dinosaur world and their evolutionary connections to modern birds.


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