How much protein do you really need?

Age: Protein requirements decline with age. While growing children and adolescents need more protein to support their development, adults require less.

Activity level: Active individuals, especially those engaging in strength training, require more protein than sedentary individuals. This helps build and repair muscle tissue.

Overall health: Certain health conditions, such as kidney disease and liver disease, may require adjustments in protein intake.

Herring: Herring is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and protein. It is also a relatively low-mercury fish.  

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Pregnant and breastfeeding women require additional protein to support fetal and infant development.


The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. This is the minimum amount of protein needed to prevent deficiency for an average sedentary adult.

For active individuals, the recommended protein intake is 1.2-1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

Older adults, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women may need up to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Pay attention to your body's signals. If you feel tired, weak, or have difficulty recovering from exercise, you may need to increase your protein intake.


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