How To Watch Geminids Meteor Shower: One Of This Year’s ‘Most Intense’ Showers Has Returned

The Geminids meteor shower—which NASA calls one of the “best and most reliable” yearly meteor showers—returned on Sunday and is slated to run through December 24, with a peak in three weeks, though no equipment is required to see it.

The shower peaks between December 13 and December 14, but it may still be visible beforehand with the proper observing conditions, NASA reports.

The shower is best viewed during the night before dawn, and because it usually starts earlier than other showers, between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., it’s considered one of the best for young viewers,

A dark, open sky away from city or street lights is ideal, and the best viewing position is laying flat on the back with feet facing the south—binoculars and telescopes typically aren’t needed.



Though it will be visible everywhere in the night sky, from Earth’s perspective, the Geminids meteor shower appears to originate from the direction of the Gemini constellation, which is northeast of the Orion constellation

The Geminids meteor shower is fast, very bright, and mainly made up of white meteors, though there are some yellow, green, blue, and red ones

Big Number 120. That’s how many meteors can be seen per hour during the shower’s peak season. This makes the Geminids stream one of the “strongest” annual showers.

