NASA's James Webb captures 'a real monster' in deep space

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured an image of a dusty galaxy that is forming hundreds of stars every year. The galaxy, called AzTECC71, is located about 900 million light-years from Earth.  

Astronomers say that AzTECC71 is a "monster" of a galaxy because it is forming stars at a rate that is 10 times faster than the Milky Way galaxy.

The galaxy is also very dusty, which means that it is difficult to see in visible light. However, the James Webb Space Telescope is able to see in infrared light, which allows astronomers to see through the dust and get a better view of the galaxy.


The image of AzTECC71 is a composite of images taken at different wavelengths of infrared light.

The red color in the image shows the dust in the galaxy, while the blue and green colors show the light from the newly forming stars.

Astronomers are excited about the discovery of AzTECC71 because it will help them to learn more about how galaxies form and evolve. They are also planning to use the James Webb Space Telescope to study other galaxies in the early universe.


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