Pescetarians are responsible for many more animal deaths than regular meat eater

I wanted to make sure I could stick with my decision to stop eating animals for ethical reasons five years ago. 

I became a pescetarian first, swapping chicken quesadillas and beef burgers for salmon poke bowls,

thinking that each step would bring me closer to the most moral diet. This went on for a year before I went completely vegetarian.

People who want to make better food choices but don't want to go vegan or vegetarian are often advised to practise pescetarianism, 

which involves avoiding red meat and poultry while still eating seafood. Fishing typically has a lower carbon footprint than factory farming, fish are often regarded ,

less deserving of compassion than land animals, and, while wild-caught fish lives are cut short,

they do not spend their entire existence in cages so small that they cannot turn around, as some factory-farmed animals do. 

Many people are easing into thinking and acting more critically about what (or who) they're eating in this way

Many people are easing into thinking and acting more critically about what (or who) they're eating in this way