Smartphone Apps for Leonid Meteor Shower fanatics

This augmented reality app helps identify stars, constellations, and celestial objects, making it useful for locating the radiant point from which the Leonid meteors appear to originate.

SkyView Lite (iOS/Android):

Star Walk 2 provides real-time information about the night sky, including the positions of stars and planets. Users can set notifications for celestial events like meteor showers.

Star Walk 2 (iOS/Android)

SkySafari is a comprehensive astronomy app that assists users in navigating the night sky. It includes information on celestial events, constellations, and meteor showers.

SkySafari (iOS/Android)

This app provides a calendar of upcoming meteor showers, including the Leonids, with details on peak times and expected meteor rates.

Meteor Shower Calendar (iOS/Android)

Night Sky is an astronomy app that offers a stargazing guide, including information about meteor showers. It allows users to point their phones at the sky to identify celestial objects.

Night Sky (iOS/Android)

Heavens-Above provides real-time satellite and celestial object tracking. Users can input their location to get precise details about the Leonid Meteor Shower's visibility.

Heavens-Above (iOS/Android)

The official NASA app offers information on celestial events, including meteor showers. It provides educational content and live updates.

NASA App (iOS/Android)

