Taylor Swift’s ‘Time’ Cover Is Breaking Far-Right Brains

Taylor Swift's recent cover of Time magazine has sent shockwaves through the far-right, with some commentators expressing outrage and even suggesting that the singer is trying to "brainwash" her fans.

The cover, which features Swift in a simple white dress and a serene expression, is accompanied by the headline "The Iconoclast

In the accompanying article, Swift discusses her journey to reclaiming her narrative and her newfound confidence in using her voice to speak out on social and political issues.

It is this newfound political outspokenness that seems to have triggered the anger of the far-right. Some commentators have accused Swift of being a "leftist puppet" and of trying to "indoctrinate" her fans with her views.


These accusations are, of course, absurd. Taylor Swift is simply a woman who is using her platform to speak out about the issues that she cares about.

The fact that Taylor Swift's 'Time' cover has so upset the far-right is a testament to the power of her voice.

She is a role model for millions of young people, and she is using her platform to speak out against injustice and inequality.

Matt Walsh, a conservative radio host, said that Taylor Swift is "a disgrace to America. Dinesh D'Souza, a far-right commentator, accused Swift of being a "leftist puppet. 

These are just a few examples of the hateful and bigoted comments that have been made about Taylor Swift in the wake of her 'Time' cover.

It is important to remember that these comments do not represent the views of the majority of Americans. The vast majority of people support Taylor Swift's right to express her views, even if they disagree with them.


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