Red Lobster's $20 promotion backfired, signaling how desperate diners are for cheap deals

In October 2023, Red Lobster introduced a new Endless Shrimp promotion for just $20. The promotion was a huge success at first, with long lines at restaurants and social media filled with photos of happy diners enjoying their feast of shrimp.

The company didn't have enough shrimp to keep up with the demand, and many restaurants ran out of shrimp early in the day. This led to long wait times and angry customers.

The promotion was also a financial disaster for Red Lobster. The company lost money on each Endless Shrimp meal, and the promotion cannibalized sales of other menu items.


The Endless Shrimp promotion is a cautionary tale for other restaurants. It is important to carefully plan and execute promotions to avoid a similar disaster.

The Endless Shrimp promotion was a popular with diners because it offered a lot of food for a low price. This is a sign of how desperate diners are for cheap deals in the current economic climate.

With inflation on the rise and wages stagnant, many diners are looking for ways to save money on their meals.

Restaurants are responding to this trend by offering more promotions and deals. However, as Red Lobster's Endless Shrimp promotion shows, these promotions can backfire if they are not carefully planned and executed.


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